Tuesday 20 March 2018

1st Draft of Film Review

1 comment:

  1. WWW:
    - Some consistency of colour scheme and fonts
    - Use of images to support ideas
    - Some understanding of conventions

    - Is your centrefold precisely in the middle of both pages?
    - Your margins are not precise - ensure that there is a small margin around the outside of all of the text - none of it should meet the edges of the page
    - Ensure that the film title is the same font as used either in the poster or the film
    - The font used for the text and the strapline should be similar to that used in the poster - this text used doesnt fit well with the others
    - The text looks like it has been stretched - ensure it is all the same size
    - Make the film information smaller and inside an outlined box so that it is sectioned away from the text- it should also be the same width as the columns
    - Ensure that you are labelling it is a 'film' not a movie
    - The image underneath the film title looks out of place - can this be used to replace the top image on the right hand side? Also the graph could be placed at the bottom of the margin on the left hand of the page - the graph should also be titled something. Captions are missing from the images?
    - Your plot summary should be the first paragraph to give the readers some information about the film before critique
    - Your bottom paragraph on the left hand side is incomplete - you need to ensure that you are checking this properly
    - The right hand side of the page should mirror the left - it should have two columns and the images should fit in between them
