Wednesday 1 November 2017

Script for Horror Film

Scene 1
3 friends walking home from school where they go through an alleyway as a shortcut to get home. (location: Alleyway on Sandwell Road). Begins with a close up of all the character’s feet from behind, camera pans upwards to lower back and zooms in till frame is black. The camera then emerges from the torso as if the camera has gone through their body and zooms out from the torso and pans up to all their faces.
Camera from low angle on the ground to show the friends walk past. Friends will carry on walking for another 5-10 seconds where another low angle shot from the ground will be shown with characters walking away from the camera. An extreme close up on the cassette tape laying on the ground will be out of focus with the friends in focus.
Afterwards, the focus will be in reverse. Amar uses his hand to pick the cassette tape up. POV of Amar to show him look at the tape. A close up of Amar’s face shows him frown from what is written on the tape. An over the shoulder shot will show him rise up with the tape and the friends who have walked on in the shot.

Amar: Hey guys, come look at this!
Shot reverse shot will be used to show them turn around and walk back to them. MCU from below (like the camera is the cassette) to show them observing the tape.
Alex turns to Amar in a two shot.
Alex: What do you think is on there?
Amar: I don’t know, let’s check it out later.
Camera pans to a two shot of Amar and Aaron.
Aaron: Just leave it man, I wanna go home.

Extreme close up of Amar placing the tape into his back pocket and tapping his pocket. Camera zooms in till screen is black and once again zooms out of Amar’s torso at the end of the alley where Amar goes one way and Alex & Aaron go the other way. Extreme long shot of them shaking amar’s hand indicating he’s going a separate way.
(Location: Camplin Crescent/Somerset Road) Amar is walking along his road, several transitions of him walking towards and away from the camera to show his journey to his house. Opening credits shown. Long shot of Amar approaching his house and opening and closing the door. As this happens, the title of the movie appears. When the door slams shut, the screen turns black.

Scene 2
Sound of knocking on the door is heard before the camera shows Alex banging the door repetitively.
Alex: Hurry up man, it’s f**king cold!
Amar opens the door, handshakes both of them and close the door.
Alex goes into the toilet while Amar and Aaron go to Amar’s room.

Amar sits down on his bed and feels the tape against his body, remembering that he had it. MCU
Amar: Oh shiiiiiii, remember that tape I found, shall we listen to it? (he says this as he waves the tape around)
Aaron: yeah, lemme go toilet quickly.
As Aaron opens the door, a person in a mask is waiting at the door making an intimidating gesture to scare Aaron. Aaron screams and pants heavily as he falls to the floor.
The person takes off the mask and turns out to be Alex. He laughs.
Alex: Guess you don’t need to go now I made you wet yourself.
Amar: Shurrup man, Alex get the cassette player from my dad’s room, we’ll listen to the tape.
Alex returns with the cassette player and places it on the table. An extreme close up is shown of the cassette player, where the tape is placed in and Amar hits play. The message on the tape is backwards, leading confusion around the room.
Aaron: Well that was a waste of time, let’s go to this Halloween party man.
Alex and Aaron leave the room and go down the stairs.
Amar grabs his jacket to leave where his wallet drops onto the floor. An extreme close up will portray the wallet by the frame of the door. This will be followed by a click which triggers the tape to play heavy breathing. The message will play “I know something about you Amar, I’m going to kill..”
Amar hears shouting from downstairs.
Alex: Amar hurry the hell up, are you taking a shit or something?
Amar: Nahhh, I’m coming man.
As Amar leaves the room, an extreme close up of the wallet will be shown in focus, with Amar leaving the room out of focus.

Amar shuts the door behind him and locks the door. He leaves the light on to pretend as if someone is home. They start to walk down the road until Amar feels his coat pocket and realises his wallet isn’t in there.
Amar: Shit, guys I think I’ve left my wallet in the house somewhere.
Aaron: Alright we’ll wait here.

Scene 3
Amar approaches the door and unlocks it. The camera tracks his movements and shuts the door behind him. The camera cuts to him searching for his wallet. The camera will be behind a pillow where he removes the pillow to show him looking around the house. The camera will cut to him looking in his room, on his desk and under his bed covers. A POV shot shows him turn around and sees the wallet on the floor.
Amar: There you are!
As Amar bends down to pick up his wallet, a lightbulb smashes and the power cuts out and behind him we see a silhouette of a distorted figure. This unnerves Amar, causing him to swear under his breath. He turns on his phone torch for some light, he feels something cold brush past him, resulting in him to shiver. Everything is silent, a close up shows him on his phone with full brightness where we see the antagonist behind his shoulder, starting to breathe heavy. Amar jumps.
Amar: THE F**K WAS THAT??!
In panic, a POV shot shows him to run down the stairs but trips and falls down the stairs. A medium close up shows him to hit his head off the chest of drawers at the bottom of the stairs, knocking him unconscious.
As he regains consciousness he hears Alex’s and Aaron’s voices.
Amar: Yo…. guys... where are you?
The voices he hears become distorted and everything becomes silent. A medium close up shows him lying on his stomach, trying to grab his phone (where the torch is still on). As he attempts to grab the phone, he is suddenly pulled back and gets dragged into the living room. He screams loudly in a high pitch where several things are knocked into and smashed.
The screaming suddenly stops, where we see Amar lying still on the floor on his back. The camera cuts to a close up where he shoots straight up. The antagonist comes straight into his face, sucking his soul out. This causes Amar to shake around and bend his back (like he is having a fit). Shot reverse shot will be used to show the antagonist’s devilish eye staring down on Amar, the reverse shot will show Amar’s face during the progression of having his soul sucked out of him. Amar’s fit will come to an immediate standstill and voices can be heard from outside the house.
Alex: What’s taking him so fucking long, he was only getting his wallet.

As the front door opens, crosscutting is used to show the antagonists body turn around, with several sounds of joints clicking. The screen will go black.

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